A nonpartisan and independent nonprofit organization, AHS offers reliable and impartial guidance on budgeting, zoning, urban planning, and other topics to promote affordable, accessible, and diverse housing in Arlington. AHS’s vision is to create an Arlington that welcomes everyone who lives, works, and enjoys our community.
Policy Positions
One component of our mission is to develop and support policies that increase the supply of affordable housing in Arlington and Northern Virginia. We frequently provide comments on current policy issues under consideration by the Arlington County Board. The AHS board of directors and community partners provide input and ideas that strengthen our position. As an independent, nonpartisan nonprofit thought leader, AHS provides objective and credible advice on issues of budgeting, zoning, urban planning, and more to help our community be more affordable to people of all income level.
Housing Action Arlington
AHS leads Housing Action Arlington, a coalition of housing and related service providers and advocates sharing information, planning strategy, and advocating on the range of housing issues in Arlington, including budget issues. This is one example of AHS’s growing role as chief “dot connector” for all things housing in Arlington.

Beginning in 2010, AHS took the lead in crafting a coalition approach (housing and other safety net providers) to County budget requests, finding success in the “united we stand” approach. In May 2013, AHS teamed up with the late Charlie Rinker of the Arlington New Directions Coalition and convened several meetings to explore housing-focused coalition work throughout the year. In the early years, this group was known as HousingArlington, but in 2019 the County launched an initiative with that name so we have re-branded the group as Housing Action Arlington.
The purposes of what has become Housing Action Arlington are to:
- Share information in a timely way;
- More efficiently use resources, playing to the content strength of various groups/individuals and avoiding duplication of efforts; and
- Be more effective advocates, in part by building a broader base.

Housing Action Arlington is open to all organizations/individuals who support affordable housing, although not all may participate on a given issue/action. Regular participants include faith communities, shelter providers, tenant advocates, nonprofit developers, and senior citizen advocates.
While budget-related issues remain a major focus of Housing Action Arlington, the group also successfully collaborated on strategy and action that lead to the County Board’s unanimous adoption of the Affordable Housing Master Plan in September 2015.
Leckey Forum

Thomas P. Leckey Forum
The Leckey Forum presents research, best practices, and fresh ideas for promoting and fostering affordable housing development in Arlington and the region and has become a well-respected and anticipated forum for local government staff and elected officials, affordable housing advocates, residential designers and developers, and interested citizens. In 2018, keynote speaker Sen. Tim Kaine addressed issues of fair housing. In 2019, Andrea Brennan, shared how Minneapolis is changing zoning policy to fix decades-old disparities. Our 2021 Leckey Forum featured Daniel Parolek, the creator of the Missing Middle Housing concept. In 2022, Jenny Schuetz, explored solutions to fix America’s housing system. The 2023 Leckey Forum will focus on Community Land Trusts as an affordable housing tool.
About Thomas P. Leckey
Tom Leckey (1934-2003) was an unwavering advocate for affordable housing and ending homelessness in Arlington. In addition to helping found AHS, he was also a founder of the Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH) and a board member of the Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network (ASPAN). He also served as a member of Arlington County’s Fiscal Affairs Advisory Committee and the county’s planning commission. The Leckey Forum presents research, best practices, and fresh ideas for promoting and fostering affordable housing development in Arlington and the region was named in his honor.
Links to past Leckey Forums :
Bozman Affordable Housing Award

Ellen M. Bozman Award
AHS first began the tradition of honoring individuals for their contributions to affordable housing in Arlington at an event in November 2008 marking the fifth anniversary of the organization. That year, AHS honored Fran Lunney for her many years of excellent service in the area of affordable housing with the Arlington Housing Office.
The following winter, with the passing of AHS cofounder, long-time community activist and elected official Ellen Bozman, the event was renamed in her honor. Each fall, the award continues to recognize an individual or organization that has provided significant leadership and innovation in supporting affordable housing in Arlington or Northern Virginia.
The Bozman Award celebration is regarded as a must-attend event by public officials, corporate leaders and housing advocates alike. The 20th Anniversary Bozman Award celebration will take place in November 2023.
About Ellen M. Bozman
Ellen M. Bozman (1925-2009) a trailblazer in Arlington’s history, left an indelible mark during her extensive service as the county board member from 1974 to 1997. Bozman’s leadership proved vital as Arlington evolved from a suburban enclave to a vibrant urban community. Her vision for controlled development, enhanced services for the elderly and children, and transparent governance shaped the county’s growth. A graduate of Northwestern University, Bozman immersed herself in civic activities, advocating for integration in Arlington Public Schools and serving on multiple county commissions.
Bozman’s legacy is highlighted by her role in revitalizing Clarendon’s commercial hub ahead of the Metrorail expansion. Her dedication to non-discriminatory hiring practices and childcare services underscored her commitment to a fairer society. As an Independent candidate, she broke barriers by becoming the first woman elected to the county board in nearly two decades. Her tenure saw landmark achievements, including improved childcare standards, nursing home development, and safeguarding tenants’ rights and affordable housing. Bozman’s strategic approach to development prevented the Metro corridors from becoming solely office spaces, preserving the county’s diverse character.
Leading the County Board multiple times, Bozman steered initiatives that continue to enrich Arlington’s community spirit. Her legacy endured as she co-founded the Alliance for Housing Solutions, emphasizing affordable housing. In recognition of her remarkable 24-year service, the Arlington County Board posthumously honored her by renaming a prominent building in her honor. Ellen Bozman’s enduring contributions to Arlington remain a testament to her unwavering commitment to progress and inclusivity. See highlights of her life of public service in the video below and read a profile about her from Arlington County’s “Women’s Work” historical collection.
Learn About Past Bozman Award Events
Award Recipients
2022 Michelle Krocker
2021 Mary Margaret Whipple, Nina Janopaul, Julio Basurto
2020 Arlington Thrive and the Church at Work
2019 Shared Prosperity Initiative
2018 Jay Fisette, Retired Arlington County Board member
2017 Partners in Preservation: APAH, A-SPAN, and the Westover Village Civic Association
2016 It Takes a Working Group: Mary Hughes Hynes, Marsha Allgeier, and the 18-member Affordable Housing Study Working Group
2015 Foundations: J. Walter Tejada and the Virginia Housing Development Authority
2014 Housing [S]heroes
2013 Citizen3 Power: The Silverwood Companies, Douglas Park Civic Association, and Ken Aughenbaugh
2012 Faith | Vision | Action: Jerry Morris, Michael Foster, and the Church at Clarendon with Dr. Leonard Hamlin, Sr., and the Macedonia Baptist Church
2011 Charlie Rinker
2010 Father Gerard Creedon
2009 AHC Inc. Resident Services