Arlington County has released its Updated Draft Plan Langston Blvd. This is the version that will be considered for the Request to Advertise (RTA), which serves as the revised draft PLB for public feedback and review by the Planning Commission and the County Board. You may share your views on the Langston Blvd Area Plan at the upcoming meetings in Oct. and Nov., as listed below. These are the community’s last opportunities to impact the specifics of the Plan. The County Board’s final vote on PLB approval is expected in November.
AHS is working on a review of the RTA and will draft key points that supporters of affordable housing can use to present their views on Monday night, October 2, at 7pm, at the Planning Commission meeting.
Stay tuned for our updated PLB Talking Points, which currently include:
AHS strongly encourages the County to ensure that the final Plan Langston Boulevard:
- Achieves the 2,500 CAFs (committed affordable units) promised in the Affordable Housing Master Plan by the set goal of 2040, not waiting until 2075.
- Maximizes height and density potential for residential construction, most especially to incentivize affordable housing development on the Langston Blvd corridor.
- Provides maximum flexibility for affordable housing construction, such as with lot size, lot consolidation, and co-location of affordable housing on County and APS land.
- Articulates the need for housing units at 30% AMI (area median income) and the need for a range of AMI’s that are up to 60% AMI.
- Prioritizes the review of the East Falls Church and Cherrydale plans, a commitment to increased funding for CAF preservation/development, and the study of additional planning tools for the Langston Blvd corridor, such as TIF (tax increment financing).
Join us to provide Public Comment for Plan Langston Boulevard!
- Planning Commission Hearing Request to Advertise
- Monday, October 2, Commission Hearing 700pm
- County Board Hearing Request to Advertise
- October 14, Board Meeting 830am
- Planning Commission Hearing Final Action
- Late October/Early November (agenda and date TBD)
- County Board Hearing Final Action
- November Board Meeting (agenda and date TBD)
How to Get Involved:
- Attend Virtual “Open Door Monday” meetings with a County Board member every Monday in October/November. Register here by 5 PM that day.
- Submit written comments to the Planning Commission here.
- Submit written comments to the County Board: CountyBoard@arlingtonva.us
Additional PLB Resources:
- Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan Communications & Engagement Overview, a summary of the public feedback received on the June 2023 draft Plan Langston Blvd (PLB).